I’m sitting here, outside, staring at the spot where the peonies always come up. With just a hint of green peeking through, I’m so hopeful that this year’s plants end up with big, I mean enormously huge blossoms. The mammoth-sized light pink, wonderful smelling peonies! Every spring, I seem to find myself doing the same thing… have they come up, or are there any signs of life?
When I had my house in Sioux Falls, I had a backyard that was lined with a mix of white, light pink and bright pink varieties of peony. I remember once they started blooming, I’d drag my hammock out of the garage, and lay there, watching the clouds go by, reading, or even napping in the beautiful smell of all those peonies.

Every shade of peony tends to have a slightly different smell. Some were spicy, some smelled a bit rosey, others had a citrus smell. The combination of all of them together was AMAZING! This is how and where the inspiration of Phillips Avenue came from. That and the fact that Phillips Avenue, in Sioux Falls, happens to be one of my favorite places to shop, go out to eat, go for drinks with friends, or just hang out at a place that has outside seating, and make a nice afternoon and evening of relaxing.
I know it’s a bit early for the peonies to be blooming right now, but be prepared! The moment they begin popping, be sure to get outside and enjoy their beauty and bright smell.
I created Phillips Avenue in 2018. It is reminiscent of the choir of peonies in my backyard in Sioux Falls. Enjoy this romantic, quite intoxicating, vibrant, and very feminine fragrance. It is one of my very favorite fragrances.
Prairie Artisan Fragrances offer Phillips Avenue in Eau de Parfum, Whipped Body Butter and Reed Diffusers. prairieartisan.com